Sunday, November 29, 2009

More Successful B2B Viral Marketing Steps

Hey Gang,

As promised, here are 4 more steps to doing successful Viral Marketing in business to business (B2B)

1. Make Sequels, but sparingly. When the video gets people's attention, act and give them more immediately. Make sequels and make them more exciting; a behind the scenes look, a secretary using the product as precise as an expert, a blog about the process, etc. But do so sparingly. Do not make sequel after sequel. This may tire the audience and drive them away.

2. Allow sharing, downloading, and embedding. Sharing is what viral marketing is about. Everything to make that easier is going to improve the campaign. Download the content in a usable format (MPG, JPG, etc.), let users embed the content in their sites, keep bandwidth at a minimum, provide a link to the content, publish it to YouTube and other social networks, and allow people to bookmark it.

3. Connect with the Audience. Provide comment fields on the website for viewers to respond after seeing the video. They are excited and ready to talk. Let them. The best viral marketing campaign creates a strong emotion. Even in business.

4. Never restrict access. Viral marketing is about the campaign getting a life of its own, spreading like a virus. In order to become “viral”, it needs to be free. Do not provide secured materials on the video that require viewers to login, register, become partners, require special software, enter codes to “unlock”, or go through many tabs to get to the right link, etc. It is never about exclusivity, it is getting it out there for everyone, every business to see.

Put these four(4) steps together with the three(3) steps I provided in my previous Blog, and you have 7 Steps to a highly Effective and Successful Viral Marketing campaign in Business to Business (B2B) as well as Business to Consumer (B2C).

Let me know what you think. Comments are welcomed.

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