Wednesday, September 2, 2009

5 Tips for Writing Effective B2B Marketing Emails

Hey gang,

Here are 5 tips to writing effective Business to Business (B2B) marketing emails that will get your prospects opening and reading them:

1.Make the “Subject” Line Strong. It doesn't matter how compelling the email offer is or how brilliant the message is written. If the Subject line is weak, the email will never get opened. Keep the Subject line short (never more than 40 characters including spaces.), and make it communicate extremely quick with a little “punch”. For example “Four Ways to Get Our Software”.

2.Add Web Address at Top and Bottom. Include the Company URL link to their web site landing page at the top and towards the end of the email message. Readers may not want to go through all the copy to get to the web site hot link. They're ready to click right to the web site. Make it easy for them to do so.

3.Identify the Reader's Pain Quickly. Let the prospects know immediately that you understand exactly what they're up against, and that here's the answer to their problem. Do not start out with benefits and features of the product. Get to the problem solutions quick.

4.Do not make the E-mail too short. Prospects will read the email if it has valuable information for them. Acceptable content may span 7 to 8 paragraphs and use bullets where needed. Some people like to read all that the email has to say. Others will click on the URL and not read much of the email. So do not short change any of the readers. Provide just enough copy content to make it valuable to the reader, and provide a URL for the ones ready to click away to the web site.

5.Keep the E-mail lively. Writing in a flat, boring style is not good. Write with a little energy and a sense of fun. Sometimes when you add a little attitude, you can cut through the clutter and get the reader on your side. “Firefox is Free and It Deserves a spot on your hard drive. It's Super Fast”.

Well there you go. Try this and see if you don't get results. These methods do work.

In my 27 years in the business to business (B2B) market, I had to use any methods I could to get my best customers to open an email. Even after I called them and told them I was sending one to them.

Your comments and tips are welcomed.

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