Sunday, January 17, 2010

The use of Teleseminars in B2B

In my last Blog, I mentioned that Teleseminars, seminars done over the phone, are useful in business-to-business (B2B) even in today's economy.

Teleseminars are faster, cheaper, and will reach many more audiences in just one session. It is a lot more effective than getting a group of people in a room, expect them to sit still, and listen to a speaker like at a seminar event in an office or business center.

Plus you can record and use them over and over again. Here are some good uses that Teleseminars provide to your company's marketing activities.

Teleseminars are great for:

  • Free introduction of a new product or service.
  • Interviewing an expert about a product or to create one.
  • Introducing a partner's product to the client's customers.
  • Introducing the client's product to their partners.
  • Doing internal training to the company engineers or sales force.
  • Providing a training session to prospects for a fee.
  • Providing a series of training sessions to prospects for a fee.
A good tip to a successful teleseminar is that the script needs to be as long as the speaker is planning to talk and how many points and statements they plan to make. Some speakers speak around 100 words per minute, some are slower. If the speaker is planning to talk 30 minutes, prepare at least 10 pages of script, double spaced, with 3000 words. Then have the speaker practice and tune it as needed to meet the allowed time and message to be presented.

So for the next marketing event that is listed above, try using teleseminars to make it happen. If you are not sure how to set one up, contact your phone and bridge line carrier. They offer these services and provide instructions and how-to's.

Can you provide more tips on Teleseminars? Let us know. Your comments are welcomed.

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