Sunday, October 4, 2009

more Advertising in the B2B Market

Hey gang,

If you are doing advertising in the business to business (B2B) market, here is a quick tip that will help your ads sizzle:

Before writing any product ad, do the “PAP” test. This is Product, Audience, and Purpose.

Product. What is the topic of the ad? What product or service is it selling? Is it a single product or full line of products? You must have a clear understanding of what you are really selling to the reader.

Audience. Who will read the ad? What type of person is it targeted at? What are their needs, problems, fears, desires, interests, and concerns? Sample issues of the publications the ad will be published in can help provide an idea who reads the ad.

Purpose. What is the purpose of the ad? Is it to generate sales leads or bring in orders? Is it building an image or establishing credibility for the company? Is it to gain awareness of the product, its features, and benefits? What is the ad to do?

If you do the "PAP" test each time you set out to write any advertisements, whether it is for the business to business (B2B) market or business to consumer (B2C) market this will help make your ads draw attention and get your audience interested in buying.

Let me know what you think. Your comments are welcomed.

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