Thursday, September 17, 2009

10 Tips for Writing B2B Direct Mail pieces and Increasing Response rates Continued

Hello business owners:

Here are the other 5 of the 10 Tips for Writing Direct Mail pieces in Business to Business (B2B) that will increase your response rates:

6. Add a Call to Action. If the prospect is to call, e-mail, or go to a landing page, tell them in bold type. Put the call to action in a bold, legible, easy to read font.

7. Add Company contact information. Make sure the contact information is large and in a bright color so it stands out on the mail pieces. Add it on all pieces contained in the package where applicable.

8. Make sure the offer appeals to the right audiences. Sell windshield wipers to car owners, dog food to dog owners.

9. Use the word “Free”. “Free” is a stronger motivator than any amount of “percentage off”. For example, “Send in the mailer for a Free booklet on....”

10. Personalize the direct mail piece. Use a simple mail merge lists –or more complex personalization techniques –to make the mailers more direct. Do not write “Dear Employer” or “Dear Executive”. Personalize it. “Dear Mr. Trump”.

If you missed the first 5 tips, go back to the previous blog post and look up 10 Tips for Writing B2B Direct Mail pieces and Increasing Response rates.

These tips really do work and will increase response rates.

Your comments are welcomed.

1 comment:

  1. Another good way to give your response rates a boost is to use personal urls. An example of a Personal URL would be: and when "Jim" visits his personal url, the website will usually be customized to him. Personal URLs used to be difficult and expensive, but I recently created an application that is not only affordable, but extremely easy to use. You can check it out at:
